Sunday, 31 March 2013

Mar. 31st

Week 24 / Day 2

A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @90% RM (231) x 6 sets, rest as needed
@208#'s Completed
B. Back Squats @20x1, 1 rep per min @70% RM (340) + Chains x 10mins
@238#'s Completed
C. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 6-5-4-3, rest 2mins
165, 175, 185, 195
D. Kipping HSPU, AMRAP x 3 sets, rest 3mins
19 reps, 17 reps, 13 reps


- The Snatch felt better as the sets went along
- The Back Squat wasn't easy
- First time doing the Pendlay Rows
- Not pleased with the Kipping HSPU, I need to do AMRAP for this and strict HSPU weekly! It seems to be the only way I improve.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Mar. 30th- CFG Open 13.4

Week 24 / Day 1

7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Clean and jerk
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and jerk
18 Toes-to-bar...

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Score: 97 reps

- My Goal was a 100+ reps, I had a game plan for this.
- CF HQ is being extremely picky on video submissions this year, I definitely had to sacrifice speed on this to make sure every rep was legit. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Mar. 27th

Week 23 / Day 6

Every minute on the minute for 14mins of:
Even- 10 CTB Chin-ups
Odds- 10 Ring Dips
Completed All Unbroken
Rest as Needed
AMRAP in 10mins of:
Row 2000m (Time: 7m13.0s     Avg / 500m= 1m48.2)
AMRAP OHS @65#'s in remaining time
Score: 58 reps


- The CTB Chin-ups and Ring Dips is getting easier
- The 2nd Part reminded me of the Construction Series workout but with Double Unders. My mindset for this was to pick a pace that would not cook my legs. I wanted to be consistent on the OHS for the remaining time. I didn't let the bar touch the ground, I only dropped the bar to my back three times. I was diligent in making sure every rep was done with a superb standard (especially full extension at the top). I'm really pleased with this score.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Mar. 26th

Week 23 / Day 6

15mins @90%:
6 Power Cleans @115#'s
9 Burpee Box Jumps- 14"
12 Cals Airdyne
Score: 8 Rds + 6 + 9 + 2 cals
-15mins Rest
15mins @90%:
15 Wall Balls- 20#'s
15 KBS- 24kgs
50 Double Unders
Score: 6 Rds + 15 + 10 reps


- Two different MAP Scenarios for me
- The First Scenario was leg dominant and my breathing was the limiter
- The Second Scenario was shoulder dominant for me and this was more muscular endurance. I broke the DU into 25's to keep my shoulders from getting to swollen, WB's and KBS were done UB.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Mar. 25th

Week 23 / Day 4

A. Front Squats w/ Chains @20x1, 1 rep @70% RM (275) + Chains x 7 sets, rest 1m30s
@192.5#'s Completed
B. TnG Squat Cleans, 2 reps @225#'s per min for 10mins
C1. CGBP @20x1, 1 rep x 7 sets, rest 10sec- Moderately Tough
7 x 255#'s
C2. Ring Muscle-ups, 4 Unbroken x 7 sets, rest 10sec
All UB
C3. Kipping HSPU, 6-8 reps x 7 sets, rest 3mins
7 x 8 UB reps


- The FS felt great, I felt solid and I was moving the weight well
- The TnG SC were good, it's amazing how this can jack my heart rate up. 3 TnG would be really tough for 10mins
- I wish my MU were as good as today, I need to focus on getting a better swing and kip with my legs more. On 13.3 I was using my Upper Body too much and wasn't using the optimal technique.
- The HSPU were good

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Mar. 24th

Week 23 / Day 3

20 x 40sec Airdyne @75% / 20sec Airdyne @50%
Distance: 7.26 miles      Calories: 450      Avg MPH > 25mph
15mins Mobility / Stretching
20 x 40sec Row @75% / 20sec Row @50%
Working Distance= 3,866m     Avg / 500m = 1m43.4
Resting Distance= 1,293m
Total Distance= 5,159m


- I was able to keep the same pace as the last two weeks.
- My knee is finally feeling better

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Mar. 23rd- CF Open 13.3

Week 23 / Day 2

AMRAP in 12mins of:
150 Wall Balls, 20#'s to 10'
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle-ups
Score: 261 reps

- Minus 2 reps from 5-6 weeks ago.
- My shoulders felt worse on the wall balls.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Mar. 22nd

Week 23 / Day 1

A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1- build to a tough set
Got up to 220#'s
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough single
Got up to 265#'s
C. Back Squat @20x1, 2 reps @65% RM (340) + Chains x 8 sets, rest 1m30s
@221#'s Completed
D. Kipping HSPU to 10" Depth, 1 rep every 20sec for 20mins
17 reps without a fail       38 reps in Total


- This was a pretty good day, my R patella is a little niggly from those BJ in 13.2, jumpers knee
- The Squat Snatch was good, I think thats my best 2 rep set ever.
- The Power Clean and Split Jerks felt really good, the best its been this season. I'm pretty sure this was a tie on my Clean and Jerk PR. I probably could've gotten more but I'll leave it for a RM day.
- Back Squats were good
- The Kipping HSPU to Depth were an improvement from last time. Here's a little statistic, last time I averaged a rep every 39.1sec... This time I averaged a rep every 31.5sec. Improvement is the key.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mar. 19th

Week 22 / Day 5

Every Minute on the Minute for 12mins:
Even- 10 CTB Chin-ups
Odds- 10 Ring Dips
Completed All Unbroken
For Time:
30 Power Snatches @95#'s
50 cals Airdyne
30 Thrusters @95#'s
50 cals Airdyne
30 Power Cleans @95#'s
Time: 9m29s

- The Chin-ups and Ring Dips felt great there getting better and my stamina is much better.
- For this chipper-esk complex, honestly I felt awesome. I was at that redline threshold throughout, my breathing was controlled for the most part. At the end I was able to dump the tank and finish hard.
- My Airdyne pace was 23mph+ for the first set and 22mph+ for the second set.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Mar. 18th- MAP Scenarios

Week 22 / Day 4

10mins @90%:
10 KBS- 88lbs
10 Wall Balls- 30#'s
10 Box Jumps- 30"- Step Downs
Score: 6 Rds + 1 rep
- 10mins rest
10mins @90%:
20 OHS @75#'s
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
Score: 3 Rds + 20 + 8 reps


- This was a hard day for scenarios.
- The first batch was heavy, I was able to move decently, breathing got heavy around the 5th set. KBS and WB's were UB and BJ were steady.
- The Second Batch was hard, I suck at both exercises. The Burpees were getting my breathing out of control. This should be a 5 Rds plus, wondering what this would look like as a first scenario for myself.
- The 2nd scenario should've been executed better.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Mar. 17th

Week 22 / Day 3

A. Front Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 1 rep @66% RM (275#'s) + Chains x 10 sets, rest 1min
@181.5#'s Completed
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean . Thrusters, 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 3mins- start @215#'s
215, 215, 220, 225(f)(thruster), 220
C1. Medium CG BP @20x1, 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 10sec- moderately tough
235, 235, 235, 240, 240
C2. Ring Muscle-ups, 4 Unbroken x 5 sets, rest 10sec
Completed All UB
C3. Kipping HSPU, 6-8 reps x 5 sets, rest 3mins
8 reps x 5 sets


- Didn't have much drive in my legs today, my calves are still sore from 13.2
- The Hang Squat Cleans were feeling good overall
- The Thrusters didn't have the pop today, I must've had bad hand positioning on the 4th set because I got 220# on the 5th easily
- I'm really pleased with my Kipping HSPU, they were much improved from last weeks.
- I was able to get 4 UB MU's easily every time which I'm happy about.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Mar. 16th

Week 22 / Day 2

20 x 35sec Airdyne @75% / 25sec Airdyne @50%
Total Cals= 426 cals     Distance= 7.01 miles     Avg mph >25mph
15mins Mobility Work / Stretching
20 x 35sec Row @75% / 25sec Row @50%
Working Distance= 3,377m     Avg/500m= 1m43.6
Resting Distance= 1,644m
Total Distance= 5,021m


- Nice to get the body loosened up from yesterday's comp.
- felt stronger today on the Airdyne

Friday, 15 March 2013

Mar. 15th- CF Open 13.2

Week 22 / Day 1

CF Open 13.2

AMRAP in 10mins of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead @115#'s
10 Deadlifts @115#'s
15 Box Jumps- 24"
Score: 9 Rds + 5 + 10 + 14 reps


- Quad Burner!!
- I got what I was expecting, an even 10 Rds would've been nice.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Mar. 12th

Week 21 / Day 7

Every Minute on the Minute for 10mins:
Even- 10 CTB Chin-ups- All Unbroken
Odds- 10 Ring Dips- All Unbroken
21, 15, 9 reps for time of:
Squat Snatch @95#'s
Airdyne- Calories
Lateral Barbell Burpees
Time: 10m00s


- CTB Chin-ups and Ring Dips felt good
- The triplet was tough

Monday, 11 March 2013

Mar. 11th

Week 21 / Day 6

10mins @90%:
15 Thrusters @65#'s
100 Double Unders
Score: 4 Rds + 10 reps
- 10mins rest
10mins @90%:
15 Power Snatch @65#'s
15 Box Jump Over- 24"
Score: 6 Rds + 9 reps


- For both scenarios my breathing and movement was maintaining, constant.
- Thrusters were UB
- DU's, I decided to do set of 25's, this was way more manageable and kept my shoulders from getting too rocked.
- Power Snatches were UB and BJ Overs were constant.
- I'm pleased with both scores

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Mar. 10th

Week 21 / Day 5

A. Squat Clean, build to a 1RM
Got up to 275#'s
B. Thrusters, 3-3-2-2-1-1, rest 2mins- increase load per set
165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240 PR!

C1. CGBP w/ Chains @20x1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, rest 10sec- moderately tough
205(3), 205(3), 205(3), 205(3), 205(2)
C2. Ring Muscle-ups, 3 Unbroken Reps x 5 sets, rest 10sec
C3. Kipping HSPU, 6-8 reps x 5 sets, rest 3mins
8 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps


- So I woke up this morning and checked the Leaderboard like the addict I am. I wasn't listed anymore, I check my email (junk), CF emailed me with a computer generated answer, your video needs to be unedited. I had a mini jammer. I think I fingered it out, I hope so.
- To the workout, for the Squat Clean, I was able to clean, 295, 286 x 2, but I didn't have the strength to get out of the bottom. 275# is my max right now, a positive though is my SC is stronger than in the last few months.
- Thrusters were great, hit a PR can't do any better than that.
- CGBP was probably tougher than moderately
- MU's easy
- Kipping HSPU were getting tough by the third set.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Mar. 9th

Week 21 / Day 4

20 x 30sec Airdyne @75% / 30sec Airdyne @50%
Cals= 393     Distance= 6.83miles     Avg MPH > 25mph
15min of mobility work / stretching
20 x 30sec Row @75% / 30sec Row @50%
Working Distance= 2,918m     Avg/500m= 1m42.8
Resting Distance= 2,169m
Total Distance= 5,087m


- Good pace throughout
- My body is feeling good from yesterday
- Good luck to everyone competing this weekend

Friday, 8 March 2013

Mar. 8th- CF Open 13.1

Week 21 / Day 3

AMRAP in 17mins of:
40 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
30 Snatch @75#'s
30 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
30 Snatch @135#'s
20 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
30 Snatch @165#'s
10 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
AMRAP Snatch @210#'s
Score: 167 reps
Tiebreaker: 10m23s

- Honestly I was hoping for a better score, my expectation were higher on this.
- Reviewing the video I wasn't aggressive enough on the 165#'s, too much rest between reps.
- I was too slow on the last set of 20 burpees, my form broke down on those.
- Positive notes, I stuck to the game plan. 10's (75#'s), 3's (135#'s), single (165#'s). For the burpees I wanted to be steady with no stops.
- I did this workout yesterday but half way through my buddy noticed my iphone wasn't filming anymore. I ran out of memory, bit of a piss off. Note to people filming, make sure you have enough memory and put your iphone to airplane mode.
- Onward and Upward!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mar. 6th

Week 21 / Day 1

A. Squat Snatch, build to a 1RM
Got up to 231#'s PR!!

B. Squat Snatch, 1 rep x 5 sets @90% highest from Part A, rest 2mins
@208#'s Completed
C. Back Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 3 reps @60% RM (340#) + Chains x 8 sets, rest 1m30s
@204#s Completed
D. Kipping HSPU to 10" Depth, 1 rep every 30sec for 30mins
32 reps straight,    in time remaining I got 14 extra reps. 46 total reps


- Nice to get a PR but I failed 10+ times in the 231-235 range. My shoulders aren't holding the weight in place. I can do more weight but that is my limitation at the moment.
- I got all 5 reps but I failed on set 2 and 3, shoulders weren't getting the bar in the right position overhead.
- The BS were good
- HSPU are getting better, I'll be able to get all 60 reps at some point.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Mar. 3rd- "CrossFit Tester"

Week 20 / Day 6

"CrossFit Tester"

For Time:
75 Double Unders
50 Power Snatch @75#'s
75 Air Squats
75 Double Unders
75 Air Squats
50 Power Snatch @75#'s
75 Double Unders
Time: 14m45s

- This should've been better, my breaks were short but I took too many of them.
- I think a properly conditioned person could go Unbroken on this.
- Looking forward to the Open, it's go time!!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Mar. 2nd

Week 20 / Day 5

15 Ring Muscle-ups for time- goal is sub 2mins
Time: 1m10s
5mins rest
15 Bar Muscle-ups for time- goal is sub 2mins
Time: 1m41s
5mins rest
Every Minute on the Minute for 20mins of:
Even- 7 Unbroken Ring Dips
Odds- 9 Unbroken Toes to Bar


- I went all out for both sets of MU's, I knew I could consistently rep it out without extended breaks. 
- The 15 Ring Muscle-ups were great, the fastest I've ever done 15. Also I had a single set PR of 9 reps. 
- The Bar Muscle-ups were good, I really was hoping to be faster on this. I missed a few reps unfortunately. 
- The Ring Dips and T2B were good, pretty simple throughout. 

Friday, 1 March 2013

Mar. 1st- CF Open WOD 12.2

Week 20 / Day 4

A. Back Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 3-2-1, rest 5mins- all tough sets
245, 255, 265
B. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, build to a 1RM- Goal is 285-300#'s
Got up to 300#'s PR!!
"Open WOD 12.2"

AMRAP in 10mins of:
30 Snatches @75#'s
30 Snatches @135#'s
30 Snatches @165#'s
AMRAP Snatches @210#'s
Score: 86 reps (previous score was 78 reps)

- For the BS the set of 3 and 2 reps were tough, the single rep could've had more weight.
- I'm stoked about the BH SJ, 300lbs is a 20lb PR!
- I'm pleased with the improved score on WOD 12.2