Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Jan. 30th- Aerobic Tester

Week 16 / Day 7

AMRAP in 10mins of:
10 Squat Snatch- 95#'s
10 CTB Chin-ups
*Goal is 6 Rds

Score: 6 Rds + 1 rep


- Previous score was 5 Rds + 4 reps on Apr. 9th. 
- I'm pleased I was able to achieve the Goal

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Jan. 29th

Week 16 / Day 6

4 sets @97%:
45sec Power Clean and Push Press @115#'s
45sec Airdyne
*rest 9mins b/t sets
(PC + PP (reps) / Airdyne (cals))
1. 16 reps / 37 cals
2. 15 reps / 26 cals
3. 14 reps / 23 cals
4. 13 reps / 19 cals
10min rest
20mins Airdyne @50%


- This was really hard, the build up of lactic was greater and greater every set
- it wasn't possible for me to be consistent in each set on either exercise
- on the 3rd and 4th set I was having trouble moving with some fluidity because of the lactic build up
- The 20min Airdyne was more of a lactic flush

Monday, 28 January 2013

Jan. 28th

Week 16 / Day 5

A. Squat Snatch, build to 90% RM (227#) for a single
Got up to 90% which is 205#'s
B. Front Squat w/ Chains @22x1, build to a 2RM
Got up to 215#'s
30 Squat Clean Thrusters @185#'s for time:
Time: 8m25s


- Felt good working up to 90% on the Squat Snatch
- I feel pretty good about the FS w/ Chains, I have 50-60#'s of chains. For me to do 2 reps at that weight I'm pretty pleased about it.
- The SC Thrusters felt good, single reps and I tried to be steady throughout. The SC is the limiter for me. Somewhat of a comparison would be the 2011 CF Open WOD @165#'s, I did 23 reps in 5mins. I think this is a definite improvement.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Jan. 26th- Two MAP Scenario

Week 16 / Day 3

Snatch Balance. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 @135#'s per min for 10mins
3 Rds @90%:
30 KBS- 32kgs
30 cals Airdyne
Time: 6m54s
10mins rest
3 Rds @90%:
30 Wall Balls- 20#'s, 10ft
20 Box Jumps Overs- 24"- no rebounding
Time: 5m49s


- Still pretty sore today in the anterior part of  my legs, also didn't sleep that great at work
- BUT I thought I did a Great Job on the scenarios!!
- The First Scenario, unfortunately I miscounted 2 reps on the KBS but I went on UB on the KBS. The Airdyne speed was around 25mph.
- The 2nd Scenario, everything was UB.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Jan. 25th

Week 16 / Day 2

A1. AMRAP Kipping HSPU x 3 sets, rest 3mins
21 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps
A2. AMRAP Pronated Strict Chin-ups x 3 sets, rest 3mins
19 reps, 16 reps, 13 reps
5 sets @100%:
30sec Row Sprint
30sec rest
30sec CTD Burpee to 6" OH
*rest 6mins b/t sets
(Row (m) / Burpees (reps))
1. 186m / 12 reps
2. 187m / 13 reps
3. 187m / 12 reps
4. 184m / 13 reps
5. 185m / 12 reps


- I was really sore today especially in the legs and my portable heater wasn't working, FUCK -10 degrees in the gym isn't easy
- This is the best I've done on kipping HSPU in a long time, I gotta dig into the archives tonight and check out my PB's but I think this is close, maybe
- this is the 1st time doing strict pronated chin-ups in a long time and I'm actually really pleased with this
- The lactics were brutal, zero power from my legs on both exercises, gave it my all on both

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Jan. 24th

Week 16 / Day 1

A. Squat Clean. Split Jerk. Squat Clean, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, rest 4-5mins
225, 235, 245, 250, 255
B. Power Snatch Cluster, x 4 sets, rest 4-5mins- start @175#'s
175, 180, 185, 190
C. Dbl KB Front Squats @24kgs/arm- held in front rack, 10 UB reps per min for 10mins


- Overall felt great today!!
- not the biggest weight for the squat clean but executed every rep, which is nice
- felt good on the power snatch, 190#'s for 7 reps but had trouble last week with 210
- The KB Front Squats were tough, especially holding the front rack. Shoulders were the major fatigue.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Jan. 22nd- Aerobic Tester

Week 15 / Day 7

AMRAP in 15mins of:
10/arm KB Snatch @32kgs
10 GHD Sit-ups
50 Double Unders
Score: 6 Rds + 7 reps


- I feel pretty good about this score, toughest part was the KB Snatches, they got my breathing up
- I was UB on the KB Snatches till round 6
- GHD Sit-ups were UB
- DU weren't UB but I spent little time resting here
- I tell you this was a lot easier than yesterday, my recovery after this was great

Monday, 21 January 2013

Jan. 21st

Week 15 / Day 6

3 sets @97%:
30sec Power Clean @155#'s
30sec Lateral Barball Burpees
30sec Airdyne
*rest 9mins b/t sets
(PC (reps)/ Burpees (reps) / Airdyne (cals))
1. 15 reps / 14 reps / 21 cals
2. 15 reps / 13 reps / 16 cals
3. 13 reps / 12 reps / 16 cals

rest 10mins 
20min Row @50%
Distance= 3879m     2m34.7 avg/500m


- First puker of the season. Took me about 20mins after the intervals (then puking) to finish off the Row.
- The intervals were tough but I thought I did a great job on them.
- The Row was more like an EZ pace.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Jan. 20th

Week 15 / Day 5

A. Power Snatch, build to a 1RM
Got up to 205#'s (-20#)
B. Back Squat w/ Chains @20x1, build to a 1RM
Got up to 265#'s (-20#)
C. Power Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep every 30sec for 10mins- start @225#'s
(225#) 4 sets (235#) 4 sets (245#) 12 sets


- things weren't clicking today.
- On Part A, I failed on 215 and 210 multiple times. My pull isn't explosive enough right now.
- On Part B my power wasn't there.
- Part C was the only thing that went well today.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Jan. 18th

Week 15 / Day 3

Squat Snatch, 1 rep every min for 15min @155#'s
21, 18, 15, 12, 9 6, 3 reps for time @90%:
Hang Squat Snatch @65#
Lateral Barbell Burpees
Time: 11m49s
10min rest
For time @90%:
50 cals Airdyne
25 Chin-ups
50 cals Airdyne
25 Chin-ups
50 cals Airdyne
Time: 8m04s


- My Squat Snatch tech was really good today, every rep was solid. I enjoyed doing this.
- For both MAP scenarios were mentally tough but breathing was my limiter especially on the first scenario.
- First Scenario- I personally don't think this was a very good time, went out too fast at the start and I stopped too many times to catch my breathing.
- My recovery between scenarios was great
- Second Scenario- I think this was a pretty good time, UB on the first set of chins and the second set took 3 sets. I'm really pleased with this scenario.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Jan. 17th

Week 15 / Day 2

A1. Kipping HSPU to Depth, 3-5 reps x 5 sets, rest 1m30s
(10") 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, (11") 3 reps, 3 reps
A2. AMRAP Supinated Strict Chin-ups @50# extra x 5 sets, rest 1m30s
10 reps, 8 reps, 7 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps
5 sets @100%:
30sec KBS- 40kgs
30sec CTD Burpees
* rest 6mins b/t sets
(KBS / Burpees)
1. 14 reps / 13 reps
2. 14 reps / 13 reps
3. 14 reps / 14 reps
4. 14 reps / 14 reps
5. 15 reps / 13 reps


- Part A1- Maxed out the parrellettes depth on the last 2 sets. Width was '12 regional
- Part A2- I felt my reps were alright, it would be nicer if all the reps could be closer together.
- really pleased with my scores on the couplet interval.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Jan. 16th

Week 15 / Day 1

A. Power Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, rest 4-5mins
225, 240, 255, 261
B. Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps per min for 10mins
@165#'s Completed
C. Wall Balls- 30#'s, 20 Unbroken reps x 5 sets, rest 1min


- This was a good workout.
- I felt good about hitting 261#'s on the last set
- The Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch was suppose to be considered Battery, this was the first time doing Below the Knee Hang Snatch. I thought this was an appropriate weight, not the easiest, every set was done without dropping the weight b/t reps.
- The Wall Balls were not easy but they weren't hard

Monday, 14 January 2013

Jan. 14th

Week 14 / Day 7

15mins @75%:
500m Row (<1m55s avg / 500m)
10 Ring Dips
15 KBS- 24kgs     Score: 5 Rds + 40m
-rest 10mins
15mins @75%:
30 cals Airdyne (>23mph)
10 GHD Sit-ups
20 Air Squats     Score: 6 Rds + 12 cals


- Every exercise was done unbroken.
- Both parts weren't overly difficult.
- I felt like I was hitting both parts at the right percentages.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Jan. 13th

Week 14 / Day 6

3 x 30sec Row ALL OUT, rest 2mins b/t sets
(distance / avg 500m)
1. 193m / 1m17.7 avg 500m
2. 191m / 1m18.5 avg 500m
3. 191m / 1m18.5 avg 500m
rest extra 5mins
3 sets of 97%:
30sec CTD Burpees to 6" OH
30sec Cals on Airdyne
*rest 6mins b/t sets
1. 13 reps / 23 cals
2. 13 reps / 20 cals
3. 13 reps / 20 cals
rest extra 5mins
6 x 45sec Airdyne @90% / 45sec Airdyne @EZ
>24mph avg      = 141 total cals


- For the Row, I felt good about this. My speed was the same as the previous weeks, unfortunately I slipped into a bad position on the rower a few times. My recovery is getting better b/t sets on this.
- On the 2nd part the lactic was outrageous, going into each set I could barely walk but once I started it went away. The burpees were a good score for me and consistent which I'm pleased about. The Airdyne speed was >28mph.
- For the 3rd part, I was rocked going into this. Held a >24mph pace each set.
- I liked having specific rest going into each part.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Jan. 12th

Week 14 / Day 5

A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 4mins
185, 195, 205, 210, 215
B. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, build to a 1RM
Got up to a PR!! 280#'s
C. Back Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 2 reps @65% RM (340) + Chains x 6 sets, rest 2mins
@221#'s Completed


- Great workout overall, this was one of my best strength session all round.
- I believe the 215# dbl on the PS was a PB
- 280#'s on the BtN SJ was a PB for the lift but also a PB overhead.
- The BS was good.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Jan. 10th

Week 14 / Day 3

A. Snatch Balance, build to a heavy single
225#'s PR!!!
B1. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 1m30s- nothing over 225#'s
@225#'s Completed
B2. AMRAP Strict HSPU x 5 sets, rest 1m30s
8 reps, 8 reps, 5 reps, 4 reps, 6 reps
C. 5 Muscle-ups per min for as many mins as possible (up to 12mins)
8 rds + 3 reps


- PR for the Snatch Balance I take it.
- SC felt good
- HSPU are still not where they should be.
- MU's done with false grip, 1st 3 sets were UB, an improvement from last week for sure. Maybe if I did singles all the way through I might've maxed on time but I need to work on multiple reps.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Jan. 9th

Week 14 / Day 2

10 sets @90%:
30sec Airdyne- >26mph
30sec Rest
30sec CTD Burpees to 6" OH
30sec Rest

(Airdyne (cals) / Burpee (reps))
1. 16 cals / 11 reps
2. 15 cals / 10 reps
3. 17 cals / 11 reps
4. 17 cals / 11 reps
5. 18 cals / 11 reps
6. 18 cals / 11 reps
7. 18 cals / 11 reps
8. 17 cals / 11 reps
9. 19 cals / 11 reps
10. 18 cals / 11 reps


- I thought I did a great job on the pace. I was right on the line, as you can see I was able to hold it consistently for every set.
- The burpees sucked but I'm pleased with the score on every set.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Jan. 8th

Week 14 / Day 1

A. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, build to a 1RM
Got up to 255#'s
B. Front Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 2 moderate reps x 5 sets, rest 2mins- start @60% 1RM
165, 175, 185, 195, 205
5 sets of:
5 TnG Push Press @185#'s
10sec rest
15 CTB Chin-ups
*rest 3mins
Completed all the sets Unbroken


- So there were positives and disappointments today
- I'm disappointed in my SC+SJ, I missed 275, 267.5 x 2 (one on the Clean and the other on the Jerk). Noting but zero excuses because I've done more weight but my anterior and lateral part of my legs still had DOMS from Day 7. I need to improve on this!!
- The positives!!
- The FS w/ Chains felt great my final set probably was b/t 250-265 in weight with the chains. I was moving the bar good too.
- another positive was the CTB Chin-ups, I haven't done much of these so far this year. I'm very pleased with it.
- Also I was able to move the PP @185 nicely, all TnG. As I went on the sets were smoother.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Jan.6th - 20's

Week 13 / Day 7

3 sets @97%:
20 cals Airdyne
20 OHS @65#'s
20 Box Jumps- 24" - step downs
20 Unbroken Double Unders x 5 sets
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Walking Lunges
20 cals Rowing
*rest same as work time

1. 7m05s
2. 7m59s
3. 7m49s


- I was steady and constantly moving at a decent speed on every movement except the DU's, I missed 3-4 sets each round for the DU's.
- My quads were pretty juiced going into the BJ's
- Still need to work on those UB DU's during duress

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Jan. 5th

Week 13 / Day 6

3 x 35sec Row ALL OUT, rest 3mins b/t sets
(Distance / Avg/500m)
1. 227m / 1m17.0 avg/500m
2. 225m / 1m17.7 avg/500m
3. 223m / 1m18.4 avg/500m
3 sets @97%:
10 TnG Power Cleans @155#'s- fast reps
20sec Airdyne
*rest 6mins b/t sets
(Time / AD (cals))
1. 44sec / 16 cals
2. 44sec / 16 cals
3. 42sec / 18 cals
5min extra rest
10 x 30sec Airdyne @90% / Airdyne 30sec EZ
Completed, >25mph, 193 cals


- The first part sucked, less rest b/t sets from last week, took me some time before I was able to flush the lactic after the third set.
- The TnG PC, took around 19sec to complete each set. I was able to move it faster than the previous weeks. My Airdyne speed was around 30mph.
- For the 3rd part, I'm pleased I was able to sustain the speed above 25mph.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Jan. 4th

Week 13 / Day 5

A. Snatch, build to a Max
Got up to 227#'s PR!!
B. Back Squat w/ Chains @20x1, 2 reps @60% RM (340#'s) + Chains x 6 sets, rest 2mins
@204#'s Completed
C. Push Press . Split Jerk, 1.1 x 6 sets, rest 3mins- start @205#'s, build until Push Press craps out
205, 210, 215, 217.5, 220, 230(SJ)


- Everything was done as a Squat Snatch. So for Part A I failed 220#'s x 3, dropped down to 215#'s failed x 2, finally got it. I was fucken pissed off cause I should've gotten all of them. I wasn't pulling the bar back enough in the catch. So I loaded the bar to 227#'s and got it the first time. Fuck Yeah!!
- BS felt good, focused on exploding on the way up.
- Part C, my shoulders were feeling crinkly today, the PP wasn't popping up nicely. My best set was 220# for the PP. On the last set I missed on the PP but got the SJ.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Jan. 2nd

Week 13 / Day 3

A. OHS @ Snatch 1RM (225#'s), 1 rep every 2mins for 12mins
B1. Below Knee Hang Power Clean, 3-3-2-2-1-1, rest 2mins- 80-90% effort pet set- no dropping bar
(275#'s) 220, 220, 234, 234, 247.5, 247.5
B2. Kipping HSPU to Extra Depth, 4-8 reps x 6 sets, rest 2mins- hand on plates
(6") 8 reps, (7") 7 reps, (8") 5 reps, 4 reps (7") 5 reps, 5 reps
C. On the minute Muscle-ups (+1 per min)- no false grip
Score: 6 Rds + 5 reps


- Stoked about Part A, 225 used to be a pretty tough OHS, to hit it six times in a row, I'm jacked about that.
- First time doing Below the Knee Hang Power Clean, felt good.
- I'm pretty pleased with the depth I was getting to on the HSPU.
- For the MU's I decided to go with No False Grip, obviously it requires more of a kip and I can't get a huge leg swing in my garage. I might've been able to get a better score if I started doing singles around round 4 but I wanted to focus on getting multiple reps till failure.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Jan. 1st

Week 13 / Day 2

Complete 1 Rd @90% effort every 2mins for 30mins:
5 KB Goblet Squats- 32kg
5 Burpee Box Jumps- 24"
5 Toes to Bar
35 Double Unders

1. 1m05s
2. 1m10s
3. 1m07s
4. 1m08s
5. 1m10s
6. 1m11s
7. 1m08s
8. 1m07s
9. 1m05s
10. 1m06s
11. 1m09s
12. 1m07s
13. 1m10s
14. 1m05s
15. 1m04s


- This was a tough workout but I dig it!
- UB on about 10 of the 15 sets of the Double Unders, this is good especially being under duress from other exercises.