A. Back Squat @40x1, 1 rep @92.5% RM (345) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@319#'s Completed
B. Split Jerk, build to a max
Got up to 285#'s PR!
C1. Wtd. Ring Dips @22x0, 4-4-2-2 x 4 sets, rest 1m15s
45, 70, 80, 105
C2. Pendlay Rows w/ Fat Bar @22x0, 2 reps x 4 sets, rest 1m15s
195, 205, 205, 215
D. 50 Kipping HSPU for time- 34" max width
Time: 7m44s
- BS was tough again but form an depth was good
- PR on the SJ by 10#'s
- Absolutely awful on the Kip HSPU, endurance is definitely not there, I want to do this again next cycle.