Thursday, 30 October 2014

Oct. 30th

Week 4 / Day 3

15mins @90%:
25 DU
3-6 Strict Chin-ups- Alt. b/t Pronated and Supinated Grip each Rd
10 DB Walking Lunges @30#'s
Score: 9Rds + 25 + 2 reps
- rest 6mins
15mins @90%:
45sec FLR on Rings
8 DB Thrusters
6 Renegade Rows
Score: 6Rds + 20sec


- DU were UB
- every Chin-up set was 6 reps, not UB
- FLR was hard, need to work on this
- Rengade Rows were 12 reps in Total 6/arm

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Oct. 29th

Week 4 / Day 2

Row 1600m @easy pace
60sec HR Push-ups- 35 reps and 25 reps
rest 60sec
60sec Jump Switch Lunges- 39 reps and 33 reps
rest 60sec
60sec Row Cals- 26 reps and 24 reps
rest 90sec
35sec Airdyne very hard
*rest 2m30-4m30s

Monday, 27 October 2014

Oct. 27th

Week 4 / Day 1

A1. CG DL @31x1, 3-4 reps x 4 sets, rest 1min
295(4) x 4 sets
A2. DB Standing Press @21x1, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, rest 1min
60(5), 60(5), 60(4), 60(4)
B1. DB SL RDL @20x0, 5-7 reps/leg x 3 sets, rest 30sec b/t legs
50(7), 60(7), 70(7)
B2. KB Russian Swings, tough 10 reps x 3 sets, rest 30sec
88 x 3 sets
B3. Back Ext. @10x0, 10-14 reps x 3 sets, rest 2m30s
10(14), 25(14), 35(14)
C. KB Windmill, 20 reps not for time


- I'll lower the Shoudler Press to be more explosive on the lift, instead of grinding it up
- 88#'s for KBS is the heaviest weight I have

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Oct. 23rd

Week 3 / Day 4

A1. Strict Pronated Chin-ups @41x2, 5 reps x 3 sets, rest 1min
5 reps x 3 sets
A2. Unwtd. REFSS @30x1, 15 reps/leg x 3 sets, rest 90sec
15 reps x 3 sets
B1. Pendlay Row @21x2, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, rest 30sec
115(6), 3 x 120(6)
B2. Ring Row @1010, AMRAP(-1) x 4 sets, rest 30sec- feet on ground, shoulders just above ground
9 reps, 6 reps, 5 reps, 4 reps
B3. DB Bicep Curls @20x0, 10-15 reps x 4 sets, rest 3mins
20(12), 20(11), 20(10), 20(10)
C. DB Single Arm OH Walking Lunges, 40m
Done with 20#'s


- Changed a few things to make it harder
- Pendlay Row, stuck with the weight work on holding the contraction for 2sec
- first time doing Bicep Curls in a workout in 5 years. Brings me back to doing Vanity Saturdays at SMU with Cwick and Firass.
- 20#'s for the Walking Lunges was just about right.

Oct. 22nd

Week 3 / Day 3

12mins @90%
30sec Hollow Body Holds
5 DB Man Makers- moderate @35#'s
200m Row
Score: 4Rds + HBH + 1 rep
- rest 6mins
12mins @90%
60sec FLR
12 Walking Lunges
5 Strict Chin-ups- Alt. b/t Pronated and Supinated
Score: 6Rds + 25sec

Monday, 20 October 2014

Oct. 20th

Week 3 / Day 2

AD 10mins @easy pace
60sec DU
rest 60sec
60sec CTD Burpees
rest 2mins
(DU / Burpees)
1. 97 reps / 21 reps
2. 98 reps / 21 reps
3. 96 reps / 21 reps
35sec AD very hard
*rest 2m30s-4m30s
1. 32 cals
2. 24 cals
3. 28 cals
4. 29 cals
5. 29 cals

Oct. 19th

Week 3 / Day 1

A1. Clean Grip DL @31x1, 4-5 reps x 4 sets, rest 60sec
275(5) x 4 sets
A2. DB Standing Press @21x1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, rest 60sec
60(6), 60(4), 55(6), 55(5)
B1. DB SL RDL @2010, 6-8/leg x 3 sets, rest 30sec
30(8), 40(8), 50(8)
B2. Russian KBS, 12 tough reps x 3 sets, rest 30sec
70, 88, 88
B3. Back Ext. @10x0, 12-16 reps x 3 sets, rest 2m30s
0(16), 10(16), 20(16)
C. TGU, 8/arm

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Oct. 16th

Week 2 / Day 5

A. Press, build to a max
Got up to 170#'s
B1. DB External Rotations @3010, build to a 8RM
Got up to 20#'s
B2. DB Powell Raises @3010, build to a 8RM
Got up to 20#'s
For time:
Row 2000m- avg/500m = 1m44.7
Time: 6m58.7

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Oct. 15th

Week 2 / Day 4

A. Back Squat, build up to a 1RM
Got up to 320#'s
B. Back Squat 30x0, AMRAP 85% of part A
@272#'s 6 reps
For time:
50 DU
10 CTD Burpees
40 DU
10 CTD Burpees
30 DU
10 CTD Burpees
20 DU
10 CTD Burpees
10 DU
10 CTD Burpees
Time: 4m37s


- Really happy with my BS, I've only done one session of BS a week ago in the last 6 months. The rep felt really clean and powerful too.
- DU weren't too bad, bumble on the first 50 but the rest were slick.

Oct. 14th

Week 2 / Day 3

5km Run
Completed, I was running for 30mins approx


- I decided to turn this into a trail run instead of a specific timed run.
- I took Josie out for the Bi-annual jog, at the start she's giving it and by the end she's had enough.
- I'm guessing the distance we did was around 6K

Monday, 13 October 2014

Oct. 13th

Week 2 / Day 2

A. DB RFESS @3010, build to a 8RM
B. Side Bridge- max hold each side
L Side- 2m15s
R Side- 2m15s
1min Airdyne- Max Cals- 54 cals
rest 3mins
1min Airdyne- Max Cals- 45 cals

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Oct. 11th

Week 2 / Day 1

A1. Wtd. Dips, build up to a max
A2. Wtd. Pronated Chin-up, build up to a max
B. Sorenson Hold, max time
Time: 2m24s
21,18,15,12,9 reps for time of:
KBS- 1.5pd
Time: 7m30s

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Oct. 8th

Week 1 / Day 5

3 sets of:
600m Row
20 Push-ups
1 Rope Climb
600m Row
20 Push-ups
1 Rope Climb
*rest 5mins b/t sets



- Rowing pace was around 1m55 avg/500m
- 5 of the 6 push-ups sets were UB
- my rope climbs consists of sitting on the floor, using all arms and touch the ring at 10.5'

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Oct. 7th

Week 1 / Day 4

A1. Back Squat @30x1, 3-5 reps x 5 sets, rest 90sec
225(5) x 5 sets
A2. DB Torso Rows @31x0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 30sec b/t arms, rest 90sec
70(6), 80(6), 90(6), 100(6) x 2 sets
B1. DB RESS @3010, 5-7/leg x 4 sets, rest 30sec b/t legs, rest 90sec
35(7), 40(7), 45(7), 50(7)
B2. DB Upright Rows @3110, 6-10 reps x 4 sets, rest 90sec
20(10), 25(10), 30(8), 30(8)
20sec AD Max Effort
*rest 3m40s
rest walk 6mins

Oct. 6th

Week 1 / Day 3

6 sets: HARD
15sec KB Swings @70#'s
15sec CTD Burpees
15sec Rowing
*rest 2-4mins

1. 7, 6, 9
2. 7, 6, 8
3. 7, 6, 9
4. 7, 6, 9
5. 7, 6, 9
6. 7, 6, 9

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Oct. 5th

Week 1 / Day 2

5 sets:
20 Walking Lunges
10 Chin-ups
10 T2B
20 BJ @24"- step downs
40 DU's
*rest 3mins
- Change the order for every set

1. 2m37s
2. 2m34s
3. 2m36s
4. 2m38s
5. 2m39s


- This is the start of our FireFit Teams Strength and Conditioning Off-Season Program.
- We had a very successful year, winning 2 National Championships this year, Men's Relay and Mixed NXG2. Time to get ready for next year.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Oct. 3rd

Week 1 / Day 1

A1. DB RDL @2020, 8 reps x 4 sets, rest 30sec
40, 50, 60, 70
A2. DB Bench Press @21x1, 10-12 reps x 4 sets, rest 30sec
40(12), 50(12), 60(12), 70(12)
A3. DB Snatch, 16 Alt. reps x 4 sets, rest 30sec
40, 50, 60, 70
A4. 8 KB Windmills x 4 sets, rest 30sec
20 x 4 sets
10 sets of:
30sec AD @90%
rest 30sec
Completed, >400 watts