Saturday, 30 November 2013

Nov. 30th

Phase 1 / Cycle 4 / Day 5

A. Back Squat @40x1, 4 reps @80% RM (345) x 6 sets, rest 3mins
@276#'s Completed
B. Push Jerk, build to a TnG set of 5
Got up to 225#'s

C1. Close Grip Fat Bar Bench Press w/ Chains @20x1, 5 moderate reps x 5 sets, rest 60sec
@155#'s Completed
C2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 4-5 reps x 5 sets, rest 60sec
185 x 5
D. 7 Unbroken Clapping Push-ups x 10 sets for time
Time: 6m19s


- The BS felt better today, still somewhat tough
- PJ, felt good. I think I got a good number
- CGBP, 155#'s + 30ish #'s of chains, felt good
- Push-ups fatiguing as usual

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Nov. 28th

Phase 1 / Cycle 4 / Day 4

8 x 2mins Airdyne @90% / 2mins Airdyne @50%
Distance= 9.97 miles     Calories = 449     Avg MPH > 22mph
4 sets @high effort:
30sec Alt. DB Power Snatch @75#'s
30sec rest
30sec Box Jumps- 30"- step downs
30sec rest
30sec CTD Burpees to 12" OH
30sec rest

Alt. DB PS- 9 reps, 8 reps, 9 reps, 9 reps
BJ- 10 reps, 11 reps, 11 reps, 12 reps
Burpees- 8 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 9 reps


- I had a survival course today for work, it was a fun time but for some reason I was exhausted all day. We obviously did the survival thing somewhat and the only food for lunch was a snack size chunky campbell soup we cooked on are fires.
- The Aidyne felt better this week
- This MAP session felt slow, didn't have the pep in the movements, especially the DB PS
- The 12" OH felt weird because you have to actual whined up for the jump

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Nov. 27th

Phase 1 / Cycle 4 / Day 3

A. Back Squat @40x1, 4 reps @80% RM (345) x 6 sets, rest 3mins
@276#'s Completed
B. Power Clean, build to a tough triple
Got up to 245#'s
C. Strict HSPU to Deficit, 2 tough reps per min for 20mins
@3/8" 17 sets, @1" 3 sets
D. GH Raises @30x0, 5-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 2mins
21(6), 24(6), 27(6), 30(6), 33(5)
E. DB Back Ext. @20x0, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 2mins
40(10), 50(10), 60(10)


- BS, felt good
- PC, stuck to a definite tough set
- HSPU were an improvement this week, all to a certain depth. I made it tougher for the last 3 sets. Finished it on a positive note

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Nov. 26th

Phase 1 / Cycle 4 / Day 2

700m Row @2k PR x 5 sets, rest 4mins b/t sets
(time / avg 500m)
1. 2m16.4 / 1m37.5
2. 2m16.5 / 1m37.6
3. 2m16.6 / 1m37.6
4. 2m16.7 / 1m37.7
5. 2m16.4 / 1m37.5
3Rds for time:
10 KBS- 40kgs
10 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
Time: 3m10s


- Took me a long time to recover from the rowing. 50mins before I started the Burpee Tester.
- Felt pretty good on the Burpee Tester, especially after the Ass Kicking on the Rower.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Nov. 22nd

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 6

Muscle Snatch. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance, 1.1.1 @135#'s x 8 sets, rest 1min
50mins @moderate effort:
250m Row
3 Wall Walks
0.5 miles Airdyne
3 Ring Muscle-ups
30 Alt. Step-ups onto 24" Box
3 C+J @95#'s
Score: 9 Rds


- Felt tight in the shoulders in the OH position.
- Felt good throughout the 50mins, didn't stop once for the whole 50mins.
- MU's were UB and done with no false grip

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Nov. 21st

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 5

A. Back Squat @40x1, 5 reps @75% RM (345) x 6 sets, rest 3mins
@259#'s Completed
B. Split Jerk, build to a max
Got up to 265#'s
C1. Medium Grip Fat Bar Bench Press @20x1, 1 rep x 10 sets, rest 30sec- goal, tough across the board , not max
@245#'s Completed
C2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 1 rep x 10 sets, rest 30sec
@225#'s Completed
D. 10 Hand Release Push-ups per min x 10 mins- only chest touches the floor, not thighs or belly


- woke up at 615 on my days off to get this done, brings me back to the good old college days. Wasn't that tired, I was motivated to get this done before my meetings today.
- BS, felt good, still its a little tough
- Split jerk, felt alright
- BP, felt really good for 245#
- Pendlay, felt good
- Push-ups, these were fatiguing. Lots of lactic in the last 3 sets.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Nov. 20th

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 4

10 x 1m30s Airdyne @90% / 1m30s Airdyne @50%
Distance= 9.26 miles     Calories= 418     Avg MPH > 22mph
3 sets @high effort:
30sec Power Snatch @75#'s
30sec rest
30sec Lateral Barbell Burpees
30sec rest
30sec Wall Balls- 30# / 10'
30sec rest

Power Snatch- 11 reps, 12 reps, 12 reps
Lateral Burpees- 11 reps, 11 reps, 12 reps
Wall Balls- 15 reps, 15 reps, 15 reps


- AD, was tough, I was able to maintain a 22mph pace
- the MAP, my breathing was up on this one

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Nov. 19th

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 3

A. Back Squat @40x1, 5 reps @75% RM (345) x 6 sets, rest 3mins
@259#'s Completed
B. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1- work to a challenging set
Got up to 255#'s
C. Strict HSPU to Deficit, 1 tough rep every 20sec for 20mins- goal is to get to deficit
*Completed all 60 rep- 16 reps @1", 9 reps @3/8", the rest to the floor
**took me an extra 14mins of rest time
D. GH Raises w/ Light Bands @20x0, 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins- make them all tough
Lil Purple Band- 8 reps x 4 sets


- The BS was tough
- SC, the 2nd rep on the SC was a struggle
- HSPU, incorrect progression for this. This was way TOO HARD, Failed epically.
- GHR, these were good

Monday, 18 November 2013

Nov. 18th

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 2

600m Row @2k PR x 6 sets, rest 3m30s b/t sets
(time / avg 500m)
1. 1m57.3 / 1m37.8
2. 1m56.8 / 1m37.4
3. 1m56.1 / 1m36.8
4. 1m56.1 / 1m36.8
5. 1m56.7 / 1m37.3
6. 1m57.1 / 1m37.7
21, 15, 9 for time of:
CTB Chin-ups
CTD Burpees to 6" OH
Time: 5m46s


- The rowing was really tough. It took me a lot of time to recover after the 6 sets
- Wasn't fully recovered for the couplet. UB on the first 21 CU, 3 sets for 15, 2 sets for 9. A steady pace for the Burpees but emptied the tank on the last set of 9.
- The couplet would've been totally different if it was a solo tester.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Nov. 17th

Phase 1 / Cycle 3 / Day 1

A. Front Squat @40x1, 5 reps @75% RM (285) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@214#'s Completed
B. Power Snatch , work to a tough single
Got up to 205#'s
C. 3 UB Muscle-ups per min for 20mins
D. Airdyne, 8sec ALL OUT per min for 10mins


- FS felt good, getting stronger
- PS, this was a tough rep, the pop isn't there yet
- MU's, stoked about this!! This was getting kinda tough in the last 5mins
- AD, this was getting tough on the breathing

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Nov. 14th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 6

Snatch Pull. Muscle Snatch. OHS. Snatch Balance, @125#'s x 8 sets, rest 1min
40mins @moderate effort:
500m Row
25 UB DU's x 3 sets
0.5 miles Airdyne
30 Alt. Step-ups on to 24" Box
Score: 5 Rds + 350m


- The Snatch Tech. felt good
- Missed on a few of the DU sets, not as smooth as last week

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Nov. 13th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 5

A. Back Squat @40x1, 6 reps @70% RM (345) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@241.5#'s Completed
B. Push Jerk, build to a Max
Got up to 255#'s PR!
C1. Medium Grip Fat Bar Bench Press @20x1, 2 reps x 6sets, rest 1m30s
185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 255
C2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 2 reps x 6 sets, rest 1m30s
185, 195, 205, 215, 215, 215
D. 15--->1 Unbroken Push-ups for time
Time: 9m08s


- BS felt good, not easy, but wasn't too tough
- BP felt good
- Push-ups were tough, I need to work on more endurance for this exercise

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Nov. 12th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 4

15 x 1min Airdyne @90% / 1min Airdyne @50%
Distance = 9.37 miles     Calories = 452     Avg MPH > 23mph
3 sets @ High Effort:
30sec Alt. DB Power Snatch @75#'s
30sec rest
30sec CTD Burpees- no jump
30sec rest
30sec Box Jumps- 30"- step downs
30sec rest

Alt. DB PS- 8 reps, 9 reps, 9 reps
Burpees - 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps
Box Jumps- 10 reps, 11 reps, 12 reps


- Airdyne was tough as usual
- Felt solid in the PS, Burpees, BJ

Monday, 11 November 2013

Nov. 11th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 3

A. Back Squat @40x1, 6 reps @70% RM (345) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@241.5#'s Completed
B. Clean Pull. Power Clean. Squat Clean, 1.1.1- reset b/t reps
Got up to 265#'s
C. Strict HSPU's, 2 tough reps per min for 20mins
From Floor, completed all UB
D. GH Raises @20x0, 8-12 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins- make them all tough sets
15 (12), 18(9), 15(8), 15(8)


- BS is feeling stronger
- SC @265 was tough, not a max
- The HSPU was tough as usual
- GHR, I changed the leverage to make it harder but also to put less strain on my knee caps.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Nov. 10th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 2

500m Row @2k PR x 8 sets, rest 3mins
1. 1m38.9
2. 1m38.9
3. 1m38.2
4. 1m38.6
5. 1m38.0
6. 1m37.3
7. 1m38.5
8. 1m37.0
For time:
DU's- 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
CTD Burpees- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Time: 5m00s


- The Rowing was tough
- Felt good on the couplet, only broke on the DU's twice

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Nov. 9th

Phase 1 / Cycle 2 / Day 1

A. Front Squat @40x1, 6 reps @70% RM (285) x 4 sets, rest 3mins
@200#'s Completed
B. Snatch Pull. Squat Snatch, 1.1- work to a tough set- reset each rep
Got up to 205#'s
C. 2 UB Ring MU's per min for 20mins
D. Airdyne, 7sec ALL OUT per min for 12mins
Completed  avg mph >37mph


- Front Squats felt easier than last cycle
- I like the Snatch Pull before the Squat Snatch. Reason being is I got to feel the weight before actually doing there lift
- Muscle-ups were easy
- my Airdyne started to spark on the 4th set, had to break and fix it (15mins). Finished the rest off after, unfortunately I felt a little cooled down by then.

Here's a cool photo from one of the FireFit Comps this year.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Nov. 6th

Phase 1 / Cycle 1 / Day 6

A. Snatch Pull. Snatch High Pull. Muscle Snatch. OHS, x 10 sets, rest 1min
30mins @ moderate effort:
25 UB DU's x 4 sets
500m Row
20 Alt. Step-ups- 24"
0.5 miles Airdyne
Score: 4 Rds + 2 sets of DU's


- The Snatch Tech work was good
- I love doing the long Mod. Effort MAP Sessions, its always a good sweat

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Nov. 5th

Phase 1 / Cycle 1 / Day 5

A. Back Squat @40x1, 5 reps @70% RM (345) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@241.5#'s Completed
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1.1- build to a tough set
On the Blocks Got up to 205#'s
C1. CGBP @20x1, 2-3 reps x 6 sets, rest 1m30s- used Multi-Grip Bar
205(3), 205(3), 215(3), 215(3), 225(3), 225(3)
C2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 2-3 reps x 6 sets, rest 1m30s
185(3), 185(3), 195(3), 195(3), 205(3), 205(3)
D. 1--->10--->1 Unbroken Ring Push-ups Ladder for time:
Time: 8m27s


- Long workout, lots of bigger lifts, so each needed appropriate warm-up
- Back Squat felt a bit better
- my wrist is a little funky still from the Fat Bar Presses along time ago, so the Overhead work didn't feel the best

Monday, 4 November 2013

Nov. 4th

Phase 1 / Cycle 1 / Day 4

10 x 1min Airdyne @90% / 1min Airdyne @50%
Distance= 6.69 miles     Cals= 331     Avg mph > 23mph
3 sets @ high effort
30sec Toes Through Rings
30sec rest
30sec Rowing
30sec rest
30sec OHS @65#'s
30sec rest

TTR- 16, 16, 16
Row- 157m, 159m, 159m
OHS- 13, 15, 15


- 23mph to 24mph felt appropriate
- Steady throughout the MAP session

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Nov. 3rd

Phase 1 / Cycle 1 / Day 3

A. Back Squat @40x1, 5 reps @70% RM (345) x 5 sets, rest 3mins
@241.5#'s Completed
B. Power Clean. Squat Clean, 2.1- build to a tough set
Got up to 255#'s
C. Strict HSPU, 2 tough reps per min for 15mins
From Floor Completed
D. GH Raises @20x0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2mins- make them all tough sets
15(12), 18(10), 21(8)


- The BS was moderate effort, not at all easy for me right now
- SC was really tough at 255#'s, might've been from the lack of warm-up progression / reps. Also I haven't done this exercise in a long time
- HSPU, this was getting tough at the end. Let's keep progressing on this exercise. (ex. next week 3 reps every min for 15mins)
- GHR, every set was tough

Nov. 2nd

Phase 1 / Cycle 1 / Day 2

300m Row @2k PR x 10 sets, rest 1m30s- goal pace 1m38
1. 1m01.6
2. 1m00.5
3. 1m00.4
4. 59.9s
5. 59.5s
6. 59.8s
7. 59.7s
8. 59.1s
9. 59.3s
10. 59.2s
10--->1 reps for time of:
KBS @32kgs
CTD Burpees to 6" OH
Time: 6m16s


- Was able to hit the goal pace for the Rowing
- Steady and UB reps for the Couplet. Felt really good for this tester.