Sunday, 30 June 2013

June. 30th

Week 2 / Day 5

A1. CGBP @20x1, 3-4 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins- use Multi-Grip Bar
203(4), 213(4), 223(4), 227(3)
A2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 3-4 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins
205(4), 215(3), 215(4), 225(4)
B. 6 Strict Ring Dips per min for 10mins
C. Ring Rows, 5 tough reps per min for 10mins- adjust body position to increase difficulty

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Jun. 29th

Week 2 / Day 4

A. Deadlift Cluster, 1.1.1- build to a tough set, drop every rep
Got up to 395#'s
B1. Barbell Forward Lunge, 6/leg x 5 sets, rest 0sec
135, 145, 155, 165, 175
B2. Back Squat @30x1, 6 reps x 5 sets, rest 4mins- use same load as B1
135, 145, 155, 165, 175
C. 100 Air Squats for time- hands on back of head entire time
Time: 2m22s

Jun. 28th

Week 2 / Day 3

15 x 30sec Airdyne @90% / 30sec Airdyne @50%
4.96 miles     306 Cals      Avg MPH > 26mph
rest 10mins
15 x 30sec Airdyne @90% / 30sec Airdyne @50%
5.06 miles     315 Cals     Avg MPH > 26mph

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Jun. 27th

Week 2 / Day 2

A1. Push Press @11x1, 3-4 reps x 5 sets, rest 2mins
185(4), 195(4), 205(3), 205(3), 207.5(3)
A2. Wtd. Supinated Chin-ups @30x0, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, rest 2mins
70(3), 80(3), 90(3), 100(3), 105(2)
B1. Standing KB Press @24kgs/arm, AMRAP x 4 sets, rest 1m30s
10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps
B2. AMRAP Pronated Chin-ups @20x0 x 3 sets, rest 1m30s
15 reps, 10 reps, 9 reps

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

June. 26th

Week 2 / Day 1

A. Back Squat @20x1, 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 4mins- moderate Start @205#'s
205(8), 215(8), 225(8), 235(8)
B1. Russian KBS- 40kgs, 15 reps x 4 sets, rest 1m30s
B2. Front Rack BB Reverse Lunges off 2" Block @10x0, 6/leg x 3 sets, rest 1m30s
125, 135, 145
C. DB Russian Step-ups @11x0- 24" Box, 10/leg x 3 sets, rest 1min b/t legs- Go Heavy
40, 50, 50

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Jun. 23rd

Week 1 / Day 6

5 x 1K Row @75%, rest 2mins b/t sets
(Time / Avg/500m)
1. 3m37.3 / 1m48.6
2. 3m38.7 / 1m49.3
3. 3m38.9 / 1m49.4
4. 3m38.3 / 1m49.2
5. 3m36.4 / 1m48.2
10 GH Sit-ups x 7 sets, rest 1min

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Jun. 22nd

Week 1 / Day 5

A1. CGBP @20x1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins - Used Rogue Multi-Grip Bar
183(6), 193(6), 203(6), 213(4)
A2. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins
185(5), 195(5), 205(5), 215(5)
B1. Flat Bench DB Press @30x0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2mins
70(12), 80(8), 75(9)
B2. One Arm DB Rows @20x0, 8-10/arm x 3 sets, rest 2mins
70(10), 80(10), 90(10)

Friday, 21 June 2013

Jun. 21st

Week 1 / Day 4

A. Deadlift @33x1, 4-5 reps w/ Straps x 4 sets, rest 4mins
275(5), 285(5), 295(5), 305(5)
B. Front Rack Barbell Step-ups @20x0, 6-8/leg x 4 sets, rest 1min b/t legs
75(8), 85(8), 95(8), 105(8)
C. Front Squats, 20 reps @95#'s x 4 sets, rest 2mins- any tempo

Jun. 20th

Week 1 / Day 3

10 x 30sec Airdyne @90% / 30sec Airdyne @50%
Distance= 3.36 miles     202 cals     Avg mph > 26mph
5min rest
10 x 30sec Airdyne @90% / 30sec Airdyne @50%
Distance= 3.37 miles     225 cals     Avg mph > 27mph

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Jun. 19th

Week 1 / Day 2

A1. Press @11x1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins
135(6), 135(6), 135(6), 140(4)
A2. Wtd. Pronated Chin-ups @30x0, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, rest 2mins
45(5), 55(5), 65(5), 70(3)
B1. Seated DB OH Press @30x0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2mins
30(12), 40(12), 50(12)
B2. AMRAP Supinated Chin-ups @20x0 x 3 sets, rest 2mins
15 reps, 13 reps, 10 reps

June. 18th

Week 1 / Day 1

A. Back Squat @20x1, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 4mins- moderate start @205#'s
205(10), 215(10), 215(10)
B1. GH Raises @20x0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2mins
12 reps, 12 reps, 12 reps
B2. Barbell Reverse Lung- Off 2" Block @10x0, 6/leg x 3 sets, rest 2mins
115, 125, 135
C. Barbell Alternating Step-ups to 24" Box @11x0, 15/leg x 3 sets, rest 2mins- start @65#'s
65, 70, 75

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Jun. 7-9th- CanWest Regionals

CanWest Regionals

Here's a recap for the weekend:

Event 1:


For time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters @45#'s
30 Chin-ups
Time: 6m02s (25th)


- Held a sub 1m40s Row
- Thrusters were UB, but unfortunately I'm not a fast mover when it comes to these. I got a few no reps and my 6'4" frame doesn't aid me much
- Chin-ups were broken into 4 sets I think, I got 21 straight, then it fell apart.
- I was hurting after this workout, puked my guts out after this one.

Event 2:


Started @225#'s

Score: 245.1 (13th Tied)


- honestly I was really nervous about starting at this weight but it went up easily and I actually hit a PR for a 3RM @235#'s

Event 3:

For time:
30 Burpee Muscle-ups (Ring Height 88")
Time: 6m31s (8th)


- I was a little more tired going into this from the OHS and I failed 3 reps. This score should've been better but I'm still pleased with it.

Event 4:

For time:
100 Wall Balls 20lbs to 10'
100 CTB Chin-ups
100 Pistols
100 Alt. DB Power Snatches- 70#'s
Time: 25m13s (9th Tied)


- Almost got the workout done, the DB Snatches were a grinder
- I had a full out strategy for the workout, I probably looked ridiculous but I even used my stop watch. Here's my breakdown
- Wall Balls, 12 reps every 30sec
- CTB Chin-ups, 4, 3, 3 reps, every 15sec do 1 set of those
- Pistols- steady throughout
- DB Snatches, hold on and go, this fucken sucked.

Event 5:

21, 15, 9 reps for time of:
DL @315#'s
Box Jumps- 30"
Time: 6m01s (17th)


- this was my most disappointing workout
- I went away from my plan to optimize this workout for me, I did some really bad DL at the end

Event 6:

For time:
100 Double Unders
40 T2B
30 Fat Bar STO @160#'s
90' Fat Bar Front Rack Walking Lunge
Time: 14m46s (12th)


- This was my best workout for the weekend, I followed my own game plan and it worked perfectly for me.
- HSPU are a huge weakness for me and I was able to get through them decently and unscathed

Event 7: 

4 Rds for time:
2 Rope Climbs
100' Sprint
4 Squat Cleans @225#'s
100' Sprint
Time: 7m25s (17th)


- I had to be really careful not to go to failure on the Squat Cleans, I took some time between reps

So I ended up coming 11th place Overall. The competition this year was noticeably better. My goal was Top 10, it was achievable but I'm still really happy with my performance. My body is still in one piece and I'm ready to compete in the first FireFit Competition this weekend!!!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Jun. 4th

Week 4 / Day 3- Regional Prep

Squat Clean @225lb, 1 rep per min for 10mins
3 CTB Chin-ups every 15sec for 5mins
3 sets of: 
8 T2B
6 STO @160#'s
4/leg Front Rack Reverse Lunges @160#'s
*rest 1min b/t sets
1. 54sec
2. 52sec
3. 52sec


- Taking off tonight for Vancouver
- Everything felt good today

Monday, 3 June 2013

Jun. 3rd

Week 4 / Day 2- Regional Prep

3 sets of:
10 DL @315lbs
10 BJ- 30"
*rest 1min b/t sets
1. 49sec
2. 47sec
3. 47sec
3 sets of:
15 Kipping HSPU
10/leg Pistols
5/arm Alt. DB Power Snatch @70#'s
*rest 1min b/t sets
1. 2m25s
2. 2m21s
3. 2m19s


- BJ were done with step downs as usual
- Kipping HSPU were done in sets of 5's

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Jun. 2nd

Week 4 / Day 1- Regional Prep

OHS, build to 225lb for a single
15 Burpee Muscle-ups
Time: 1m53s
2 sets @75%:
500m Row
25 Thrusters @45lbs
15 Chin-ups
*rest 3mins b/t sets
1. 2m54s
2. 2m54s


- OHS felt decent today
- Burpee MU's felt solid, I went ALL OUT on this
- The "Jackie" prep, I kept everything the pace I would go in the comp. I need to move faster through the thrusters