Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Feb. 26th

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 6

5 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
21 Box Jumps- 24"
12 Shoulder to Overhead @135#'s
Time: 18m01s

- Rows were sub 2mins
- Box Jumps were done with Stepdowns
- Shoulder to Overheads were Unbroken

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Feb. 25th

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 5

A. 5 Moderate Effort TnG Power Snatch x 5 sets, rest 1min
@135#'s Completed
B. 5 Moderate Effort TnG Power Clean and Overhead x 5 sets, rest 1min
@165#'s Completed
5 sets @high effort:
15 Wall Balls- 20#'s
10 CTB Chin-ups
*rest 1min b/t sets
1. 46s
2. 46s
3. 46s
4. 48s
5. 45s


- Nice day to just move, nothing to strenuous. 

Monday, 24 February 2014

Feb. 24th

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 4

AMRAP in 10mins of:
15 Lateral BB Burpees
15 OHS @95#'s
15 Lateral BB Burpees
15 OHS @115#'s
15 Lateral BB Burpees
15 OHS @135#'s
15 Lateral BB Burpees
15 OHS @155#'s
AMRAP of Lateral BB Burpees in remaining time
Score: 8 reps at 155# OHS
rest as needed
1min Box Jumps- 24"- Step Downs / 1min rest x 5 sets
29 reps, 29 reps, 27 reps, 27 reps, 29 reps


- My OHS Endurance was the disappointing part on this Tester. The OHS needs to be done Unbroken. I'm not their yet.
- Box Jumps were good

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Feb. 23rd

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 3

Push Jerk, build to a moderate TnG Triple
Got up to 210#'s
AMRAP in 10mins:
30 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups- Time: 5m45s
AMRAP HSPU in remaining
Score: 24 reps
AMRAP in 5mins of Double Unders
Score: 251 reps


- 210#'s on the PJ felt good
- Moved decently on the Bar MU's, Kipping HSPU were brutal. My shoulders were smoked.
- My DU's sucked, my shoulders were smoked from the tester before.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Feb. 22nd

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 2

AMRAP in 15mins:
150 Wall Ball @20#'s
75 CTD Burpees to 6" OH
AMRAP of Ground to Overhead @95#'s in remaining time
Score: 21 reps


- this was a tough workout. Breathing was my issue
- WB wasn't as easy as usual
- Burpees sucked, stepped back on every rep. This took way too long.
- 1m30s left of GTO, felt good about the score for that.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Feb. 21st

Phase 2 / Cycle 6 / Day 1

A. OHS, build to a tough single
Got up to 205#'s
12, 9, 6 reps for time of:
OHS @175#'s
Ring MU's
Time: 10m45s
3 sets:
20sec @97%
20sec rest
20sec @97%
*rest 4-5min b/t sets
Completed     >30mph


- First time really doing OHS heavy this year, took it easy because of the SI Joint injury. The movement felt foreign needs to be practiced a few more times.
- After Part A I thought the couplet was going to be a struggle at 175#. It actually felt pretty good. My shoulders were pretty rocked on this. I think I have to to work on my ROM for the OHS, not too sure if  some of the reps were good.
- kept the AD pace above 30mph, 3rd set was really tough

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Feb. 18th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 6- Modified

AMRAP in 20mins:
Buy in 2k Row- 7m16.6 / 1m49.1/500m
10 DL @135#'s
10 Box Jumps- 24"- step downs
10 Wall Balls- 20#'s to 10ft
Score: 7rds+10+10+8 reps


- All the lifts were done Unbroken, Box Jumps were the slowest portion
- My lower back was fried on the DL
- Box Jumps were the hardest part, WB's were the easiest, this gave me some recovery

Monday, 17 February 2014

Feb. 17th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 5- Modified

A. Power Clean, 1 moderate effort rep per 30sec x 20 reps
@225#'s Completed
B. Press, 2 reps @80% RM (175) per min for 10mins
@140#'s Completed
C1. Pendlay Rows @22x0, 4-6 moderate effort x 5 sets, rest 10sec
135(6), 145(6), 3 x 155(6)
C2. Push-ups, 20 reps x 5 sets, rest 2mins
All UB


- PC felt good, pleased that I'm back to doing 225#'s after the SI Joint Issues, the power isn't back yet though
- Push-ups were fatiguing at the end

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Feb. 16th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 4

AMRAP in 10mins of:
15 CTB Chin-ups
10 Thrusters @95#'s
15 CTB Chin-ups (only 14 reps miscounted)
10 Thrusters @115#'s
15 CTB Chin-ups
10 Thrusters @135#'s
15 CTB Chin-ups
10 Thrusters @155#'s
15 CTB Chin-ups
AMRAP Thrusters @175#'s with remaining time
*Only use one bar
Score: 2 reps (-1 rep)
rest as needed
2min Airdyne @75% / 2min Airdyne @50%
Avg MPH= 20mph


- Video for Tester is above
- Had a game plan for this tester, collapsed around the 5min mark
- the tester felt like a Open WOD, not too sure if this is a good score or not

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Feb. 15th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 3- Modified

A. Power Snatch. OHS, 1.1 @moderate effort per min for 10mins
@155#'s Completed
B. 3 Bar Muscle-ups per min for 10mins
Completed, all UB
C. 3 Wtd. Ring Dips per min for 10mins
@60#'s Completed, all UB
Rowing, 30sec @97% x 6 sets, rest 3mins
(m / avg/500m)
1. 168m / 1m29.3
2. 167m / 1m29.8
3. 170m / 1m28.1
4. 174m / 1m25.9
5. 172m / 1m26.9
6. 173m / 1m26.6


- PS and OHS felt good, been awhile since I've done these especially the OHS
- Bar MU's felt good, rip the shit out of my hands, the CTB/Thruster tester will suck tomorrow
- Rowing, started sub 1m30s for the first 3 sets, then I bump it down to sub 1m25s

Friday, 14 February 2014

Feb. 14th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 2- Modified

20mins @moderate effort:
250m Row
5 T2B
5 CTD Burpees
5 T2B
30sec Front Bridge
Score: 8 Rds + 180m
rest as needed
5 Rds for time of:
10 Power Cleans @115#'s
15 Wall Balls- 20#'s
Score: 5m11s
*Goal sub 6mins


- Enjoyed the 20min workout, the 2nd set of T2B were the hardest to maintain.
- Pleased with the testers time, I'm glad I was able to hold on and go Unbroken through both movements. Very Encouraging.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Feb. 13th

Phase 2 / Cycle 5 / Day 1- Modified

A. Push Press, 2 Moderate Effort rep per min x 10mins
@175#'s Completed
B. Ring Muscle-ups, 3 Unbroken per min x 10mins
Completed (No False-Grip)
C. 4 Tough Kipping HSPU to Deficit per min x 10 mins
@2.5" 3 sets     @3.5" 3 sets     @5" 4 sets
D. Airdyne, 30sec @97% x 6 sets, rest 3mins
Completed, 5 sets @99 RPM avg, 6th set 102 RPM avg


- Felt good today.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Feb. 10th

Phase 2 / Cycle 4 / Day 6- Modified

Ring Muscle-ups, 2 Unbroken per min x 20mins
50 Unbroken Wall Balls- 20#'s to 10' x 3 sets, rest as needed
AMRAP DU's in 1min x 5 sets, rest 1min
85 reps, 69 reps, 61 reps, 64 reps, 63 reps


- MU's were straight forward and easy
- WB's were good
- DU's were tough, my left arm was tightening up on me. Might've gone too fast on the 1st set.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Feb. 9th

Phase 2 / Cycle 4 / Day 5- Modified

EMOM x 20mins:
1st- 15 Tough Ring Rows
2nd- 15 BJ- 24"- step downs, fast reps
3rd- 15 Shoulder to Overheads @115#'s
4th- 15 BJ- 24"- step downs, fast reps


- All UB, all under 30sec
- This was tough right off the bat.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Feb. 8th

Phase 2 / Cycle 4 / Day 4- Modified

AMRAP in 20mins of:
30 cals Airdyne
15 Chin-ups
Score: 8Rds + 6 cals


- This was a tough workout, both are fast movements. I was breathing hard throughout this workout.
- Airdyne started at 23mph, last set was above 21mph
- Chin-ups were UB from set 1-5, set 6 & 7 were 2 sets and 8 was a set of 3

Friday, 7 February 2014

Feb. 7th

Phase 2 / Cycle 4 / Day 3- Modified

EMOM for 10mins of:
1st- 7-10 CGBP @moderate load
@175#'s All 10's
2nd- 7-10 Tough Ring Rows
All 10's
rest as needed
7 sets @high effort:
30sec Wall Balls- 20#'s
30sec rest
30sec Box Jumps- 24"- stepdowns
30sec rest
WB's- 16, 16, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
BJ's- 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 15, 16


- For the last 2 sets on the CGBP were tough
- should've elevated feet to make the Ring Rows tougher
- It was positive that I was able to do the Wall Balls and BJ with no issues, and with decent score too.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Feb. 6th

Phase 2 / Cycle 4 / Day 2- MODIFIED

AMRAP in 20mins:
500m Row     sub 2min
21 Unbroken DU x 3 sets
15 DB Thrusters @20#'s/hand
Score: 5 Rds


- Rowing was sub 2min avg
- Had a rough set on the DU's on the 1st set and 5 set. Their getting better.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Feb. 5th

Phase 2 / Cycle 3 / Day 1- Modified

EMOM for 10mins:
1st- 7-10 reps Shoulder to Overhead @moderate effort
@115#'s All 10's
2nd- 7-10 reps CTB Chin-ups
All 10's
rest as needed
AMRAP in 10mins of:
Alt. Step-up- 24"
Score: 243 reps


- My SI Joint is getting better, just making sure I'm fully healed. It's not worth any setbacks
- STO were all Jerks, stuck with 115#'s because it's a weight the Open usually uses. Focused on keeping my core tight.
- first time doing butterfly since tweaking my SI, felt good no issues
- I wasn't able to get past the redline for the Step-ups, even going full speed the movement is too long. I was breathing faster but no lactic.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Feb. 2nd

Phase 2 / Cycle 3 / Day 8- Modified

AMRAP in 30mins of:
500m Row
21 Ring Rows
21 OHS @45#'s
21 Shoulder Press @45#'s
21 Push-ups
21 Ring Rows
Score: 3Rds + 500m + 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 + 14 reps


- My Avg Row was sub 2m00/500m
- Ring Rows were the toughest. I had to break these up a lot!
- Shoulder Press, did these as Push Jerks, all UB. Not to sure if this was suppose to be a Strict Press.
- Not to sure about this score, Ring Rows really brought down my score.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Feb. 1st

Phase 2 / Cycle 3 / Day 7- Modified

A. CGBP @20x1, 3-2-1  3-2-1   3-2-1, rest 1m30s- increase effort per wave
225, 235, 245   235, 245, 255   245, 255, 265
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps for time of:
Strict HSPU
Wide Grip Strict Chin-ups
Time: 29m20s
30sec Airdyne near ALL OUT x 5 sets, rest 4-5mins b/t sets- avg >31mph
1. 29cals
2. 28cals
3. 25cals
4. 28cals
5. 26cals


- Bench Press felt good
- HSPU / Chin-up Combo, HSPU's took forever, Chin-ups were easy. Really need to work on high reps of HSPU, all my reps were 2's and 1's. Their was a little strategy but this is a huge weakness of mine.
- Airdyne I kept the pace above 31mph